Are you studying an Aged Care, Disability or Community Services course and looking for an organisation to do your placement ?
contact 9399 3511
Student Placements:
Gateway Community Services provides students an opportunity to get an understanding of a variety of different roles that support the Community Services Sector.
Gateway Community services specialises:
Social support for those aged 65 DOH (Federal - Department of Health)
Disability Respite NDIS (Federal - National Disability Insurance Scheme)
Support for Carers DHHS (State - Department of Health and Human Services)
Social Support HACC(State - Home and Community Care)
Community Transport
Community Welfare checks
Cultural And Linguistic Diverse Social groups
Gateway offers hands on learning in the following areas:
One time placement (up to 200 hours)
Volunteer Induction
Students are required to go through a volunteer induction when they first arrive on placement. Gateway’s induction process allows for all volunteers and student the opportunity to understand Gateway organisational structure, the activities on offer, the people Gateway services and the legalities of volunteering.
Organisational overview
Students will be taken through the history of Gateway and how it has developed over the years. They have the opportunity to learn the different funding models and the commitments required once an agreement has been accepted by the organisation to support government funded contracts. Conducted by Team Leader.
Client intake overview
Client intake comes through many avenues depending on age, disability and health. Understanding the criteria a new client would need to meet to have access to support and how referrals are received, whilst touching on client advocacy.
Hands on experiences
The bulk of first placement would be having students support a variety of different programs:
Centre based programs for over 65’s
Community based programs for over 65’s
Disability Social & Recreational activities
Warm Water Exercise programs
Carer Support programs
All these activities are modeled on the Department of Health - Wellness & Reablement principles
Gateway Community Services provides a reputable service and the learning that a student can achieve by being placed with Gateway is invaluable.