Hobsons Bay Community Register
The Hobsons Bay Community Register is a joint initiative between Hobsons Bay City Council, Hobsons Bay Police and Gateway Community Services.
The Register is a confidential and secure database of Hobsons Bay residents who are over 50 years of age and residents who have a disability. Volunteers from Gateway ring you regularly to check on your wellbeing, providing comfort and peace of mind.
In the event that you cannot be contacted after a number of attempts, your emergency contacts will be contacted. If your emergency contacts can not be contacted then your personal information will be made available to the Hobsons Bay Police to check on your welfare.
Your personal details will also be available to emergency services including police, fire and ambulance if required.
If you would like more information on this service, please contact us
on 9399 3511 or email us at info@gatewaycommunityservices.org.au
You can download a copy of the Hobsons Bay Community Register Application Form by opening the link below: